Wonder is nourishment for the soul. We are the only animal on earth, as far as we know, that can be moved to tears by a sunset, that marvels at the stars at night, that feels awe, and humility, at the achievements of our past. Wonder defines us as human beings. Socrates said:" Wisdom begins in wonder." Studies show that the awe induces deeper levels of cognitive processing; it boosts empathy and helps us connect with the world around us in meaningful ways. Art and science are borne from it. Wonder is more than just a good feeling; it is a seed from which our greatest treasures grow.

Explore, dream and feed your spirit well. These are 7 new wonders of the world for 2024.

Wonders Of The World

Taj Mahal

The Great Wall of china


Chichen Itza

Christ the Redeemer


Machu Picchu

7 WOWs.com